The Six Queens of Henry VIII: Then and Now

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© Royalty Now Studios

© Royalty Now Studios

© Royalty Now Studios

© Royalty Now Studios

© Royalty Now Studios

When I was a young woman, I stumbled upon a 19th-century photo and remarked that, incredibly, the people then looked just like we do now, dressed differently. While that might seem like a blinding flash of the obvious, to history lovers used to seeing their favorites of centuries past in elaborate hairdos and sumptuous gowns, it’s grounding. I am proud to be a historical novelist, bringing the past to life, and I was awestruck with the graphic talents of a woman doing the same.

Becca Saladin Segovia said she started Royalty Now Studios, because, “similar to many people, I’m so intrigued by history, yet always felt separated from the figures. I always thought of history more like a movie than a series of real events…  A favorite figure of mine is Anne Boleyn. For my first ever creation, I decided to give Anne a modern “upgrade” - hair that could break free from her headdress, a bit of makeup, a modern dress, and all of a sudden she looked lifelike. She looked like someone who could stand right in front of me and tell me her story from her own lips, instead of someone who is at the mercy of historians and Hollywood producers.

I create these images so we can learn about the past with a little more empathy for the figures involved. It seems to strike people somewhere visceral to look into the more relatable eyes of the famous figures we know and love.”

Please visit Becca’s Royalty Now Studios online!




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